Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service (HNHS) is the governmental cartographic organization which is responsible for the production and dissemination of updated official nautical charts and publications concerning Hellenic and adjacent waters. In order to meet the needs of the mariners in the area of south-eastern Greece and especially in Dodekanisa Islands the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service operates a new distribution office of all its products at the refurnished first windmill at Mandraki port in Rhodes Island.
The above office is directly connected with the Headquarters of the Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service for consecutive updating of all the nautical publications and provisions of information to the mariners. Moreover at the windmill operates a small exhibiting area of historical hydrographic and oceanographic instruments as well as a number of historical photos. A new series of republished historical nautical charts (Dodekanisos – July 1946, NE Hellenic Coast jan. 1939) is provided in a few numbers of copies.